Scarlett Johansson puts naked pictures

She has certainly had a busy time of late hanging out with her ex-husband, making an appearance at Milan Fashion Week and speaking out about those nude photos .But last night Scarlett Johansson put her hectic schedule to one side, and the naked photos drama behind her, to support Mayoral candidate Scott Stringer last night.


scarlett johansson the hollywood reporter photosho... #ScarlettJohansson  #celebrities #girls #Photoshoot | Scarlet johansson, Scarlett johansson,  Fashion


Political power: Scarlett Johansson hosted two fundraisers in New York last night to help raise funds for Scott Stringer's political campaign


Monochrome maiden: The actress, 26, looked suitably sophisticated and demure for the events held at The Plaza Hotel and The Jane Hotel


Monochrome maiden: The actress, 26, looked suitably sophisticated and demure for the events held at The Plaza Hotel and The Jane Hotel


Firm friends: Speaking about Stringer Scarlett said: 'We share a love for this city¿s diversity and culture. As a native New Yorker with a political history dedicated to community development, Scott¿s priorities echo my own'


Good campaigning tool: With Scarlett hosting the events guests paid thousands of dollars to attend


Photo : Scarlett Johansson adopte le beauty look nude. - Purepeople


Speaking out: Last week Scarlett, who attended a concert with her ex-husband Ryan Reynolds, spoke out about naked photos of herself appearing on the internet in an interview with CNN

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